Awarded the # 1 joystick Readers' Choice Awards in the multimedia world, and the handle feels like a real jet stick, built with potentiometers rated to 2 million cycles, the solid foundation and fire buttons 10 million vaccines, when you take, you feel the difference in the quality craftsmanship and durability CH.
Product Details
Editorial Reviews
From the Manufacturer
The Fighterstick USB is our shining star of programmable joysticks. With more bells and whistles than you can possible imagine, we've designed this granddaddy of joysticks to keep you busy for hours on end. We'll even write your boss an excuse as to why you won't be in to work today!
- Compatible with Windows 98 / ME, 2000 and XP (requires Diect X 7.0a or above) for PC and MacOS 8.6 and above (requires Input Sprockets 1.7x) for Macintosh
- 3 axis and 24 buttons (three push buttons, one mode switch button, three 4 way hat switches and one 8 way point of view hat)
- Total of 132 programmable functions with the new Control Manager software (included)
- Three separate programming modes accessed on the fly via mode switch on handle
- Color LED's to indicate mode selection
- Realistic F-16 handle
- Side slide throttle wheel
- Dual rotary trim controls allow for precision adjustment of ailerons and elevators
- Large sturdy base
- Easy USB installation
- Quality components and construction
- Two Year limited warranty
Note: You cannot mix USB devices with gameport devices
Customer Reviews
looks aren't everything
Being a long time flight simmer and after using many different joysticks, throttles and pedals, I finally tried this one.
With my last stick being the TM Cougar, I learned to appreciate softer springs, precision and overall reliability. Most of these were missing with my one year old Cougar which now seems was all about looks.
Being made by dedicated flight simming accessories company, CH Fighterstick seems to be one of less known secrets of hardcore sim crowd.
At first, I was suspicious because of its plastic feel. The stick is big enough even for large hands, while people with smaller hands may find it somewhat uncofortable.
Springs are very light. This is a plus for me, as it allows higher precision, especially near the center. You don't get to wrestle the springs during your flying. It has great throw, so there is a lot of room for precision input throughout the range of motion.
Trim wheels for both axes help even in simulations without trim controls. Smart stuff.
There is a throttle wheel at the base of the stick. If you have a throttle, this wheel can be mapped to another function, but you won't be able to reach it without letting your hand off the trottle or stick.
Software is excellent and it actually rivals the software being shipped with the Cougar. As with the stick itself, at first it looks toyish. After a while you learn its huge capabilities.
Verdict: The best high end joystick out there - precision, programming abilities, reliability and simplicity being its trump cards.
The best PC joystick on the market !
I have owned the CH Products Fighterstick for a little over a month now and I am now ready to compose a full review. I have been a MS Sidewinder force feedback2 user for years. I was very happy with that stick but when I started playing Lock On I decided that it was time to step up to the plate and purchase a real HOTAS system. At first glance the fighterstick appears to be built to last. It is constructed of very heavy gauge plastic and all of the devices seams are sealed properly. It is not flimsy or fragile in appearance or feel.
The stick only comes with an instruction sheet. There is no owners Manual or software disk included. The new owner must download the drivers and CH Control Manager software from the CH website. Setup is a very simple operation which involves plugging your stick into it's own USB port and running the drivers software. Setup was completed without a hitch and I did not miss the absent owners Manuel. I then proceeded to use the CH Manager software to configure the stick for the first time. It was at this time that I encountered my first and only problem while using the software. While attempting to configure the Y axis I noticed that the stick's signal would jump from one end of the scale to the other with very little movement from the stick itself. I could not figure out what the problem was on my own so I called CH customer service and they told me to be sure and center the two trim wheels before configuration. Sure enough after I corrected the position of the two wheels, the configuration process was completed without a problem.
Next, I ran Lock On in order to put the stick through it's first flight trials. The Fighterstick fits my medium sized hand very well. My only complaint is the fact that button #2 is located very high on the stick and is hard for me to reach without repositioning my hand. I believe this is due to the fact that this stick is based on the design of the F-16 joystick configuration. The problem with this choice of design styles is that the real F-16 stick is mounted between the legs and at about waist height inside the cockpit, where as the CH Fighterstick will be mounted on some ones desktop. This creates an ergonomic problem that the F-16 design was not meant to handle. Beside my issue with button #2, I have experienced no other problems with manipulation of the stick ingame.
Stick response and accuracy are very good. I can pull all kinds of high "G" maneuvers, fire all kinds of weapons and deploy my counter measures with a level of speed and accuracy that I have never experienced before. All the buttons work as programmed and the x/y axis is very smooth. Some say that the springs in the stick base are very lite. I don't feel that there is anything unusual or loose concerning the feel of this stick. I am very comfortable with the level of tension in the stick. Keep in mind that I have been working with the Sidewinder up to this point and that this may be the reason why I don't have a problem with the level of tension in the stick.
CH Control Manager is a wonderful program that gives you the ability to adjust all of the sticks important settings. It also allows you to create your own personal button program maps which can be loaded or saved for future use. CH Control Manager does not come with a tutorial so you will need to consult with an experienced user in order to fill in the blanks left after you have read the online user guide, as I did. After asking a few questions on an internet user forum I was ready to begin programing the stick for the first time. Once you know how to use it, CH Control Manager is a joy to work with. However it is not as intuitive as I would have liked it to have been.
The CH products Fighterstick is considered the top of the line PC flight controller. Unlike Thrustmaster's best stick it doesn't have any outstanding quality control issues. The Fighterstick has an excellent maintenance record and I am confident that it will last me for many years of flight siming fun.
Update: I stand corrected on the position of the stick in the real F-16, however I stand by my criticism of the feel of the stick when used in the desktop position. Thanks to the PC cockpit I now use, I no longer experience this problem.
I recently bought this Fighter Stick and it was worth every cent. IL-2 runs great on it and Microsoft 2004, Lock On and other games I have. I have many joysticks before and always wanted this one. But it was a toss up with the Thustmaster joystick and the CH Fighter stick. After reading reviews like mine I was convince that I made the right choice. The only bad thing I seen so far was the price. But it true what you pay is what you get. I also got the USB Throttle Controler too. And just recently order the CH Rudder Pedals. My flight sims and taken on a whole new era. All I can say get this product, but setting up the product with the games can be tricky. So be patient with the setup menu in the games. I have had some problems in figure out. But what I done so far, has been worth every minute. I high recommend this product and all CH Product. If you are into Flight sims like me, get the edge and take the fight to them. Now I want to really fly.
Price: $104.26 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details
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