In the grand tradition of Microsoft Flight Simulator, Space Simulator takes you on a journey through the Milky Way - and even beyond, if you are adventurous and have plenty of time to kill. Developed by the same company that worked in the flight simulator games, SS is a minutely detailed flight simulator that allows him to explore the galaxy in a variety of boats, the spacewalk mass MMU Zander Freighter. The solar system is modeled, with dozens of other hypothetical systems, and also to explore comets, nebulae and other celestial bodies. You can program the flight computer and autopilot to take you travel presets, or take control. Nine special missions show the depth and characteristics of the mortgage. There are many customization options available to adjust the complexity of the simulation. Space Simulator offers a SVGA graphics with Gouraud-shaded 3D models with a maximum resolution of 800x600 with 8-bit color .
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