The year is 2104 and humanity is in a fratricidal war between the inhabitants of the Earth and colonize Mars. After weeks of fierce fighting and heavy losses, an opportunistic alien force emerges from the depths of space and threatens to take the solar system - just when humanity is at its weakest and most divided.
Immerse yourself in this epic strategy game in real time created by the developers of award-winning Imperium Galactica Imperium Galactica 2 TM and TM.
Key Features:
- spectacular space battles in real time - you can also pause the action to issue new orders.
- Manage colonies, hearing or the production decision.
- Use spies to destroy chaos, assassinate enemy heroes or increase a special technology.
- Multiplayer via Internet or LAN - to play one of three races.
- multiplayer skirmish mode - customize and play fast and fierce battles!
- Unique cooperative multiplayer game!
- Intelligent marketing is not necessary to start his empire with all levels - their technology is "there" in future missions.
- More than 200 inventions and three different races in a revolutionary 3D engine.
- Give the hero of his fleet, check the crew to gain experience and promotion in their struggle all season.
- Processor 600 MHz Intel Pentium III (minimum) at 1GHz or higher (recommended)
- PC with Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP
- 128 MB RAM (minimum) 256 MB (recommended)
- Second generation 3D video card (at least), or the card than the GeForce 2 GTS (recommended)
- Live sound card compatible audio sound system
- Other 950 MB hard disk space. Keyboard, Mouse, 4X speed CD-ROM
- Network up to 8 players over LAN or Internet (or a cooperative player against player, player against the computer)
Product Details
Customer Reviews
Awful, terrible
another reminder to myself that when i see Dreamcatcher, run for the hills-- it is bound to be a load of crap. The intro was a cartoony-like mini-movie, long, though i suppose one could escape out of it? i don't remember, i decided to immediately resell it after i saw the impossible un-intuitive, complicated controls. Perhaps if i had a week to go to flight school, i could learn it. Blah. Burned again, Dreamcatcher.
Price: $105.02
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