Combine Hidden & Dangerous 2, the sequel of the famous, the success of Hidden & Dangerous, with the mission pack, Hidden & Dangerous Sabre Squadron, and put him in the ranks of the SAS, where they can meet the challenges and dangers facing these elite soldiers. Formed in 1941 because of HAVO and chaos behind enemy lines, the United Kingdom SAS quickly became some of the most feared trops on the battlefield. From the frozen wastes burning deserts Normway incessant North Afrien, the SAS fought across Africa, Asia and Europe during the Second World War. Now, you can reach the levels of SAS and the command of a squadron of highly skilled and deadly soldiers. Fight over 32 single player missions in campaign mode or single Wold Carnage. Fight through Africa, Asia, the Arctic, Western and Central Europe. To participate in multiplayer combat in four different ways to take up to 32 players. Playing with the cooperative campaign via LAN or online with friends.
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