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Customer Reviews
Consistently good performance
This is an excellent way to practice and/or review your game. Bidding is realistic, and the play is consistently good. Not perfect, mind you, because the human element is removed from your opponent, but nevertheless enjoyable. Best of the bridge simulations I have tried.
Bridge Baron 15 builds confidence
I had not played competitive bridge for over 40 years and was looking for a means to update and sharpen my skills before playing with live opponents. Am I glad I bought Bridge Baron 15, otherwise I would have been embarrassed bidding my outdated Goren system and by my rusty playing skills. Before playing BB15 I loaded the free "Learn to Play Bridge" which turned out to be an excellent tutorial. It is a real bonus and is an excellent way to teach my spouse how to play, since she never listens to me. BB15 provides an excellent challenge for bidding and play, although you can count on your opponents making at least one lead/discard error per hand. For example, East discards the "good" king of spades when it is totally obvious that the queen of spades on the board will be the last lead. No trump defenses by opponents are sometimes lacking in the intuition normally found in live play. Obvious errors in leads by opponents in a 3NT bid, for example, can often mean the difference between making 6NT or going down, making the game a bit unrealistic, but this does not occur enough to change my excellent opinion of the game. People often make the same kinds of mistakes in live play. The ability to rebid and replay each hand allows the declarer to correct bidding and playing mistakes. The recommendations offered by "The Baron" are sometimes questionable, however, and encourages one to turn off this option. I now only ask for his advice when I have a doubt about what to bid. I wish other options would include 1) the ability to elect not to play 1 bids and 2) to declare the remaining tricks won. The latter option appears only to be available when the computer is the declarer. All in all, I am glad I purchased BB15 and that I was not swayed by the less than positive reviews of the product.
Bridge Baron
The game was easy to use and educational. I enjoy playing it and have learned a few things. Sometimes I wonder about the hints I've given and question their sanity, but I'm given the option to rebid and replay the same hand. I like the flexibility of the software.
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